You might think Stuttgart is not for the faint-hearted, but we would like to convince you otherwise. Because our beloved city has much more to offer than just expensive activities. We present to you 5 free activities in Stuttgart .
1. rediscover Stuttgart on foot
How well do you really know Frankfurt? You can test your knowledge on one of the popular Free Walking Tours and you’ll certainly be surprised at all the things you didn’t know about your favorite city. The Free Tours always offer a good atmosphere and that: for free!
2. rent a bike
Fancy a trip into the countryside? Then the free cargo bike offers you a solution. You can pick up a bike free of charge from several stations in the city and use it for longer than a day. Best of all, a cargo bike has enough space for a picnic basket!
3. cool off in a swimming lake
Every sun worshipper’s summer plan. There are an incredible number of lakes around Stuttgart that are ideal for cooling off. And they are idyllic too. We recommend the Bärensee, Pfaffensee and Max-Eyth-See.
4. go to the museum
Did you already know this? Some museums in Stuttgart offer special times when you don’t have to pay admission. On Wednesdays, you can admire the entire collection of the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart free of charge – except for the special exhibitions. And in August, the “True Treasures” and “Legendary Masterpieces” collections at the State Museum are also open to the public!
5th picnic and walk in Killesbergpark
What more can be said about this Stuttgart landmark that hasn’t already been said? Meadows, endless fields of flowers, a beer garden, ponds, free-roaming animals, the Killesberg Tower, a beautiful view… It simply has it all.