Do you want to uncover the secrets of the world’s most famous secret agent and find out how his adventures are created? As the world wonders who the next James Bond actor will be, Pinewood Film Studios have recently released some exciting news for super fans of the series.
As part of their expansion, the 007 studios will be opened to the public to reveal some super-secret intelligence secrets. This definitely calls for a martini – shaken, not stirred.
Many big hits have been filmed at Pinewood Film Studios, including the latest Bond flick ‘No Time To Die‘, and the £500 million (€597 million) expansion will give visitors an insight into the world of 007 and the making of his films.
As part of a “global growth plan” for British film, the studios will be expanded by 32,500 square meters and will include new production resources as well as a visitor attraction and a training and skills center.
Paul Golding, Chairman of Pinewood Group, said: “This decision allows us to continue our ongoing investment in the film studios and support for the UK film and television industry. We now have the opportunity to create a world-class education center and a film-inspired visitor attraction.”
Although Pinewood Film Studios is almost a hundred years old, its golden era didn’t actually begin until thirty years after its inauguration. It wasn’t until the filming of Dr. No (1962) and the subsequent James Bond films that the studios became the landmark they are today. Other iconic films produced here include Superman, Aliens, Tim Burton’s Batman and Mamma Mia!
Will we get a glimpse of the impressive car crash in Casino Royale? A crash course in Q’s gadgets and how to use them? At least a few of those beautiful beach shots? That, like the release date, is yet to be confirmed – so we’ll keep sipping our martini while we wait…