Tired of the endless cycle of repetitive pop hits on your local radio station? Why not check out what’s on in Rio de Janeiro right now? Or discover the latest K-pop hit from Seoul?
Thanks to Radio Garden, you can listen to almost any radio show in the world live. And learn geography in the process!
It is a digital research project by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in collaboration with German and European companies and universities with the aim of bringing radio listeners together across global borders.
Radio Garden offers a simple user interface, similar to that of Google Earth, which allows you to move around the globe and connect to more than 8000 registered radio stations via streaming. You can try it out on your laptop or download the app for your cell phone.
The location of each radio station is marked by a green dot on the map, which gets bigger when there are more radios nearby. All you have to do is click on one and the live broadcast will begin.
The ultimate chance to relearn geography and have fun at the same time.