Krzywy Domek, the “strangest house in the world” is located in Poland.
We are familiar with leaning towers, but who could have imagined that there would be such a thing as a crooked house. Well, it does exist, it is called Krzywy Domek (crooked house in Polish) and it is located in Poland.
The building was built in 2004 according to a design by the architects Mrs. and Mr. Szotynscy. They were inspired by the works of Gaudi, the fairy-tale illustrations of Polish artist Jan Marcin Szancer and Swedish painter Per Dahlberg. In fact, it looks like something out of a fairytale book.
Krzywy Domek is located in Sopot, a Polish town near Gdansk and the Baltic Sea. Throughout the year, it attracts many tourists looking for photographic proof of the existence of this bizarre structure.
Before Corona, this place was also popular among the local youth, who frequented the many bars inside. Because the Crooked House is much more than it appears on its crazy surface: its interior area of 4,000 square meters serves as a shopping center and offers a wide variety of stores and activities: Bars, medical centers, beauty salons, offices, a radio station, restaurants, discos and pubs.
However, there is no unanimous opinion about its appearance: either you love it or you hate it. According to the magazine Village of Joy: “Its clever design gives the impression that the whole building is riding the crest of a wave.” And indeed it seems to be, but as some point out, that doesn’t mean it’s beautiful. What do you think?