Christmas is just around the corner, and as much anticipation as we have, we should expect the usual. Weird aunts, arguments under the tree and running into unloved old sweethearts. But hey, hopefully there will also be lots of quality time with those we love the most. We wish you a Merry Christmas.
1. the annoying drive home
Worst-case scenario: You’ve only got one ride left
2. the annual visit to the church
And the consideration of going straight to the confessional
3. pretending to be happy about the gift from Grandma Erna
You deserve an Oscar for these performances!
4. running into old lovers
Let’s get out of here
5. Christmas cookies in abundance
But we’re not complaining about that
6. snowstorms all the time and it rains at Christmas
As always
7. “You’re still single?”
The annual family Q&A session
8. last-minute gift panic
We never learn from our mistakes
9. drinking too much at the Christmas market
Mulled wine with a shot is the order of the day
Despite these typical Christmas things, we wish you a Merry Christmas!